Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Time Passing

Quick update before what is more than likely to be another prolonged absence (although I sincerely hope not). Almost zero progress has been made towards any sort of physical reclamation of my body, which has gone to the wayside with 65 hour work weeks at the restaurant. I can hardly believe that it has been almost six months since the last post, but the length between does not suggest a lack of self improvement. It will only be a few weeks from now that I will be living in Greensboro, NC with a wonderful girlfriend at my side to love and support each other. The teaching front continues to improve as I am hopefully starting school again in the Spring. I am just waiting to here back on formalities, yet I will be a ball of nerves until I hear the final word.

My restaurant journey as the GM for Aubriana's in downtown Wilmington is coming to a close and I am not sure how much further it is on the path to success than when I started. I do know that coverage in the media has increased a great deal and we have exceeded some goals, but have a long way to go. In my final three weeks here, I hope to create an environment that possesses hope and will continue to thrive on a family forward work ethic that is uncommon in the industry. Hats off to Carol Roggemann, Ron Jackson, and the crew. It has been a long ride and these two deserve sainthood after all they have been through.

As for dealing with the limbo time between now and the Spring, I have found that exercise will again set the foundation for a solid work ethic in school. Keep the body fit and the mind will follow. I hope that is something I can inspire of the young minds I will encounter in the future. The major hurdle to this plan is always the first day back. Currently, I am staring at my pair of Nikes, charging Ipod, and nagging sense of urgency to move my feet one after the other around downtown in a pace that will not incite cardiac explosion. Motivation isn't necessary and with extra time on my hands, there is no reason for failure except for laziness, so I am just going to stop writing and hit the pavement. Wilmington is absolutely beautiful right before a storm. Streets are empty, the fluctuation of the current makes the unpredictable Cape Fear's presence known with a dull roar, and the breeze chills the air just enough this time of year to burn a reminder into the back of your throat that this run was not meant to be easy. Until next time, I will still be on the turnaround.